Contact WNIN Planned Giving Staff:
Tim Black
812-423-2973 | tblack@wnin.org
WNIN’s Legacy Society
WNIN’s Legacy Society is a special group of WNIN supporters who want to help us beyond their lifetime in fulfilling our mission to use public media to enrich people’s lives and better our community. A planned gift will allow us to further our mission and values of fostering a community that is well-informed, curious, and connected.
If public television and radio have been an important part of your life, consider including a gift to WNIN in your estate plan. Naming WNIN in your will, trust, or by beneficiary designation will help ensure that public media is here for future generations.
How do I become a Legacy Society Member?
You can become a Legacy Society member by informing us that you have named WNIN Tri-State Public Media, Inc., as a beneficiary in your estate plans. To join, simply let us know by filling out our confidential Statement of Intent. Sharing your intention of revocable gifts does not imply a binding agreement. It will allow us to understand your intentions, and to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate your extraordinary support during your lifetime (either publicly or anonymously). In addition, your planned gift today will inspire others to do the same.
Join WNIN’s Legacy Society Today
Share the following details with your attorney or financial planner:
“I bequeath $ or % of my estate to WNIN Tri-State Public Media, Inc., Evansville, Indiana. Tax ID 35-1307165”
Designate a Gift:
You can designate WNIN Tri-State Public Media, Inc., as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. To include WNIN as a beneficiary, please use our legal name, WNIN Tri-State Public Media, Inc., Evansville, Indiana, and our Federal Tax Identification number 35-1307165. WNIN Tri-State Public Media is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.
Tell Us:
If you have already made a planned gift to support WNIN but haven't let us know, we hope you'll contact us.
For more information about WNIN or planned giving, please contact Tim Black at tblack@wnin.org or 812-423-2973. You may also request a free personal estate planning guide.
Download and fill out this Statement of Intent.